glosys AdminBoard

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Gym Platform to manage fitness clubs of all sizes for staff and clients in the digital technology

Fitness / glosys AdminBoard

glosys AdminBoard Overview

glosys AdminBoard provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications and Services for managing fitness clubs of all sizes for staff and clients in the digital world

Features We offer

Client Profiling and Management

Keep track of client membership renewal, workouts, birthdays, training sessions, diets and payment

Trainers and scheduling

Manage schedules, trainers, members, the busiest times of the day, new sessions and rescheduling classes

Fitness Notifications

Monitor regular fitness notifications, activities of clients, mapping progress with fitness goals

Payment Updates

Manage billing, reminders for payments and business performance

Dashboard Analytics and Visualization

Dashboard Analytics and Visualization of client profiling, scheduling, fitness notifications and payment updates

Meet Your Gym and Fitness Objectives & Needs