glosys OrderServ

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Platform for Retail Team to manage the supply chain analytics, order fulfillment and inventory optimization for the products

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glosys OrderServ Overview

glosys OrderServ, a product of glosys Manufacturing Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications and Services for Retail Team to manage the supply chain analytics, order fulfillment and inventory optimization for the products in the digital world

Features We offer

Order Dashboard analytics

Keep track of order statuses, expenses, inventory and periodic sales

Sales Optimization

Monitor sales channels, orders delivered, multiple orders for a single receipt

Stock Maintenance

Manage stockouts prevention, reorder level, purchases, deliveries, and cancellations.

Invoice Management

Monitor invoices for customers and suppliers and corresponding emails

Customers Management

Leverage order history, delivery fulfillment and emails for each order, delivery, receipt and return process

Meet Your Order Mangement Objectives & Needs