glosys CoursePlanner

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Platform for administrators, students and faculty Team to deal with admissions, onboarding, learning, research, assessments, credentialing and reporting

glosys EducationERP / glosys CoursePlanner

glosys CoursePlanner Overview

glosys CoursePlanner, a product of glosys EducationERP Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications and Services for administrators, students and faculty Team to deal with admissions, onboarding, learning, research, assessments, credentialing and reporting in the digital world

Features We offer

CoursePlanner Dashboard

Dashboard Analytics of students, tutors, courses and payments

students enrollment

Manage course details, tutor availability and new courses enrollment

Tutor Insights

Monitor courses offered, students enrolled, turnout and payment statuses

Payments Updates

Keep track of fees paid and payment failures and status

Curriculum management

Insights on enlisting tutors, enrolling students and payments for services

Meet Your Education ERP Objectives & Needs