glosys Document Processing AI Overview
glosys Document Processing AI, One of the components of glosys AI Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications and Services for AI and Analytics Team to focus on Document Processing tasks such as Text Summarization, Text to Speech System, Information Extraction, POS Tagging, Chatbots and Recommender Systems in the digital world
Features We offer
Text Summarization
Perform text summarization through activities such as converting the paragraph into sentences, Text processing, Tokenization, Evaluating the weighted occurrence frequency of the words, Substituting words with their weighted frequencies
Text To Speech System
Automatic conversion of text into speech by text analysis and then generation of speech waveforms
Information Extraction
Extract information such as entities and intents from the given documents
POS Tagging
The automatic part-of-speech tagging is the process of automatically assigning to the words of a text a part-of-speech (POS) tag
Recommender Systems
Filters data using machine learning algorithms to recommend the most relevant items to a particular user or customer and operates on the principle of finding patterns in consumer behavior data, which can be collected implicitly or explicitly.
Content-based recommendation systems uses their knowledge about each product to recommend new ones
Find similar users or items and multiple ways to calculate rating based on ratings of similar users using Collaborative based recommendation
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