glosys CyberSec for Hospitality

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications for Malware, Vulnerability and Enterprise security analytics for Hospitality Sector

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glosys CyberSec for Hospitality - Overview

glosys CyberSec Platform for Hospitality provides An Integrated AI driven SaaS Platform for listing out IP Addresses, Open Ports and Services in the Network and for discovering the presence of vulnerabilities in the digital organization

Features We offer

Planning & Reconnaissance

Define the scope and goals of a test, including the systems to be addressed and the testing methods to be used.

Threat Modeling & Vulnerability Identification

Leverage port scanner and vulnerability scanner to find open ports, live hosts and possible vulnerabilities on the network. This stage also uses web application attacks, such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection and backdoors, to uncover a target’s vulnerabilities.

Exploitation & Post-Exploitation

Testers exploit these vulnerabilities, typically by escalating privileges, stealing data, intercepting traffic, etc., to understand the damage they can cause.

Reporting & Recommendations

The results of the penetration test are then compiled into a report detailing: Specific vulnerabilities that were exploited; Sensitive data that was accessed; The amount of time the pen tester was able to remain in the system undetected. This information is analyzed by security personnel to help configure an enterprise’s WAF settings and other application security solutions to patch vulnerabilities and protect against future attacks.

Meet Your Network Scanning Objectives & Needs