Funnel Analytics

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Platform for Marketing Team to deal with funnel analytics, conversion tracking, funnel reordering, visualization and metrics effectively

Products / glosys One / glosys CRM / Funnel Analytics

glosys Funnel Overview

glosys Funnel, a product of glosys CRM Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS Applications and Services for Marketing Team to deal with funnel analytics, conversion tracking, funnel reordering, visualization and metrics effectively in the digital world

Features We offer

Marketing Funnel Analytics

Adopting the strategies of Capture and Nurture for emails, campaigns, webinars

Sales Funnel Analytics

Conversion of prospects into paying customers in terms of Qualify, Contact and Convert Approaches

Conversion Funnel Tracking

Monitoring and tracking web visits, duration, sessions, events associated with ECommerce, Blogs and Web Apps

Funnel Visualization

Focus on Visual representaion for identifying funnel leaks and reordering in terms of heat maps

Funnel Metrics Analysis

Periodic Analysis of customer churn rate, number of conversions, signups and active users

Meet Your Marketing Objectives & Needs