Employee Onboarding

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS enabled HR Platform for Onboarding team to send and collect all documents and forms online for the new hire

Products / glosys One / glosys HRMS / Employee Onboarding

glosys Onboarding Overview

glosys Onboarding, a product of glosys HRMS Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications and Services for HR Onboarding team to send and collect all documents and forms online for the new hire before joining the company in the digital world

Features We offer

Tasks Management

Assignment and updation of tasks and reminders for each role

Documents sharing

Share all documents for knowledge transition

E-Signatures Repository

Keeping track of the status of the documents based on date, name and signature

Secure Onboarding dashboard

Effective Dashboard for documents sharing and repository

Meet Your Candidate Onboarding Objectives & Needs