Timesheet Management

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS enabled Platform for HR team to track work schedules, total no. of hours based on certain clients, projects or tasks

Products / glosys One / glosys HRMS / Timesheet Management

glosys Timesheet Overview

glosys Timesheet, a product of glosys HRMS Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications and Services for HRIS team to track work schedules, total no. of hours including overtime based on certain clients, projects or tasks in the digital world

Features We offer

Work Schedules

Assignment of work schedule for each employee based on roles

Shift Management

Tracking and Analysis of different types of shifts

Tasks Assignment

Total no. of hours associated with tasks based on certain clients

Timesheet Dashboard

Analytics Dashboard for work schedules, shift management and tasks assignment

Meet Your Employee Timesheet Objectives & Needs