Franchise Management

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Point of Sales Platform for Retail Team to manage the franchise network, supply chain optimization and financial performance

Products / glosys Retail / Franchise Management

glosys Franchise Overview

glosys Franchise, a product of glosys Retail Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications for Retail Team to manage the franchise network, supply chain optimization and financial performance in the digital world

Features We offer

Franchise Network

Manage franchisee details along with the store information

Supply chain Optimization

Keep track of franchisors for purchase orders based on inventory levels

Marketing Campaign

Organize marketing campaigns for a new product launch or a sale announcement

Financial Performance

Enable franchisees to record operating costs and sales

Franchisees Performance

Dashboard Analytics and Visualization of performing and underperforming franchisees with respect to revenue and sales

Meet Your Franchise Management Objectives & Needs