Logistics Management

AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaaS enabled Logistics Platform for Retail Team to manage shipment tracking, delivery optimization and logistics operations analytics

Products / glosys Retail / Logistics Management

glosys Logistics Overview

glosys Logistics, a product of glosys Retail Platform, provides AI & Cloud Software Suite and SaSS Applications for Retail Team to manage shipment tracking, delivery optimization and logistics operations analytics in the digital world

Features We offer

Logistics Dashboard

Keep track of order information, pending orders and earnings for a given trip

Shipments Tracking

Tracking updates on the location and status of shipment

Operations Analytics

Monitor fleet's fuel efficiency, inventory turnover, workforce efficiency and customer satisfaction rate

Delivery Optimization

Monitor route assignment and delivery status updates

End-to-end logistics

Manage shipment, vehicles, drivers and automated email/SMS notifications

Meet Your Logistics Management Objectives & Needs